Default locale
Fallback locales
Defined 149
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerTitle | Registrierung |
de-DE | messages | 1 | general.noscriptNotice | Um unseren Shop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktivieren. |
de-DE | messages | 5 | account.loginSubmit | Anmelden |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.orRegister | oder |
de-DE | messages | 4 | account.orRegisterLink | registrieren |
de-DE | messages | 2 | header.indexLinkService | Service/Hilfe |
de-DE | messages | 1 | zentheme.general.closeTopBar | Top bar schließen |
de-DE | messages | 2 | header.logoLink | Zur Startseite wechseln |
de-DE | messages | 1 | general.homeLink | Home |
de-DE | messages | 2 | general.menuLink | Menü |
de-DE | messages | 2 | header.searchPlaceholder | Suchbegriff ... |
de-DE | messages | 3 | header.searchButton | Suchen |
de-DE | messages | 3 | header.wishlist | Merkzettel |
de-DE | messages | 4 | account.myAccount | Mein Konto |
de-DE | messages | 2 | general.offcanvasCloseMenu | Menü schließen |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.overviewLink | Übersicht |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.profileLink | Persönliches Profil |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.addressLink | Adressen |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.paymentLink | Zahlungsarten |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.ordersLink | Bestellungen |
de-DE | messages | 2 | molliePayments.subscriptions.account.mollieSubscriptionsLink | Abonnements |
de-DE | messages | 3 | checkout.cartTitle | Warenkorb |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | * |
de-DE | messages | 2 | zentheme.general.moreLink | Mehr |
de-DE | messages | 1 | general.categories | Kategorien |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginHeader | Ich bin bereits Kunde |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginFormDescription | Einloggen mit E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginMailLabel | Ihre E-Mail-Adresse |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginMailPlaceholder | E-Mail-Adresse |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordLabel | Ihr Passwort |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordPlaceholder | Passwort |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordRecover | Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantagesHeader | Vorteile einer Registrierung: |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage1 | Schnelles Einkaufen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage2 | Speichern Sie Ihre Daten und Einstellungen. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage3 | Bestellübersicht und Versandinformationen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage4 | Verwalten Sie Ihr Newsletter-Abonnement |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerPersonalHeader | Ich bin Neukunde |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.personalSalutationLabel | Anrede |
de-DE | messages | 31 | general.required | * |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.personalSalutationPlaceholder | Anrede eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 4 | account.personalFirstNameLabel | Vorname |
de-DE | messages | 11 |
[ "%field%" => "Vorname" ] [ "%field%" => "Nachname" ] [ "%field%" => "Straße und Hausnummer" ] [ "%field%" => "PLZ" ] [ "%field%" => "Ort" ] [ "%field%" => "Vorname" ] [ "%field%" => "Nachname" ] [ "%field%" => "Firma" ] [ "%field%" => "Straße und Hausnummer" ] [ "%field%" => "PLZ" ] [ "%field%" => "Ort" ] |
Vorname darf nicht leer sein. |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.personalFirstNamePlaceholder | Vorname eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 4 | account.personalLastNameLabel | Nachname |
de-DE | messages | 2 | account.personalLastNamePlaceholder | Nachname eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalBirthdayLabel | Geburtsdatum |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalBirthdaySelectDay | Tag |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalBirthdaySelectMonth | Monat |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalBirthdaySelectYear | Jahr |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalMailLabel | Neue E-Mail-Adresse |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalMailPlaceholder | Neue E-Mail-Adresse eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationLabel | E-Mail-Bestätigung |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationPlaceholder | Wiederholen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationInvalidMessage | Die E-Mail-Adressen stimmen nicht überein. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordLabel | Passwort |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordPlaceholder | Passwort eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 2 |
[ "%minLength%" => "8" ] [ "%minLength%" => "8" ] |
Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationLabel | Passwort-Bestätigung |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationPlaceholder | Wiederholen Sie Ihr Passwort ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationInvalidMessage | Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAddressBillingHeader | Ihre Adresse |
de-DE | messages | 4 | address.streetLabel | Straße und Hausnummer |
de-DE | messages | 2 | address.streetPlaceholder | Straße und Hausnummer eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 8 | address.zipcodeLabel | PLZ |
de-DE | messages | 6 | address.zipcodePlaceholder | Postleitzahl eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 7 | address.cityLabel | Ort |
de-DE | messages | 5 | address.cityPlaceholder | Ort eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 2 | address.countryLabel | Land |
de-DE | messages | 2 | address.countryPlaceholder | Land auswählen ... |
de-DE | messages | 2 | address.countryStateLabel | Bundesland |
de-DE | messages | 2 | address.countryStatePlaceholder | Bundesland auswählen ... |
de-DE | messages | 5 | address.phoneNumberLabel | Telefonnummer |
de-DE | messages | 5 | address.phoneNumberPlaceholder | Telefonnummer eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerDifferentShipping | Die Lieferadresse weicht von der Rechnungsadresse ab. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerAddressShippingHeader | Abweichende Lieferadresse |
de-DE | messages | 2 | address.companyNameLabel | Firma |
de-DE | messages | 1 | address.companyNamePlaceholder | Firma eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | address.companyDepartmentLabel | Abteilung |
de-DE | messages | 1 | address.companyDepartmentPlaceholder | Abteilung eingeben ... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Regulär |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | DHL Packstation |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Postfiliale |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | DHL Paketshop |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.special-addresses.storefront.packstation.number-field-label | Packstationsnummer |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.special-addresses.storefront.packstation.number-field-placeholder | Packstationsnummer eingeben... |
de-DE | messages | 3 | | Postnummer |
de-DE | messages | 3 | | Postnummer eingeben... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Postfilialennummer |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Postfilialennummer eingeben... |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.special-addresses.storefront.paketshop.number-field-label | Paketshopnummer |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.special-addresses.storefront.paketshop.number-field-placeholder | Paketshopnummer eingeben... |
de-DE | messages | 2 | | Auf Karte auswählen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.title | Standortsuche |
de-DE | messages | 2 | | Suchen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Aktuellen Standort anzeigen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Der Service für die Standortsuche ist fehlgeschlagen! |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Dieser Browser unterstützt die Standortsuche nicht! |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.title | Öffnungszeiten |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.monday | Montag |
de-DE | messages | 7 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.closed | Geschlossen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.tuesday | Dienstag |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.wednesday | Mittwoch |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.thursday | Donnerstag |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.friday | Freitag |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.saturday | Samstag |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.opening-hours.sunday | Sonntag |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Auswählen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | pickware-dhl.location-finder.storefront.selected | Ausgewählt |
de-DE | messages | 1 | general.privacyTitle | Datenschutz |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/widgets/cms/10b2f0c53e84463183c776aa15648094" "%privacyUrl%" => "/widgets/cms/10b2f0c53e84463183c776aa15648094" "%tosUrl%" => "/widgets/cms/52e7f3b497a9461f8053315ef455a817" ] |
Ich habe die <a data-toggle="modal" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-url="/widgets/cms/10b2f0c53e84463183c776aa15648094" href="/widgets/cms/10b2f0c53e84463183c776aa15648094" title="Datenschutzbestimmungen">Datenschutzbestimmungen</a> zur Kenntnis genommen und die <a data-toggle="modal" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-url="/widgets/cms/52e7f3b497a9461f8053315ef455a817" href="/widgets/cms/52e7f3b497a9461f8053315ef455a817" title="AGB">AGB</a> gelesen und bin mit ihnen einverstanden. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | general.requiredFields | Die mit einem Stern (*) markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder. |
de-DE | messages | 1 | account.registerSubmit | Weiter |
de-DE | messages | 1 | zentheme.footer.socialMediaHeadline | Folge uns |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => "" ] | |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => "" ] | |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => " " ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => """ <!-- Begin Brevo Form -->\n <!-- START - We recommend to place the below code in head tag of your website html -->\n <style>\n @font-face {\n font-display: block;\n font-family: Roboto;\n src: url( format("woff2"), url( format("woff")\n }\n \n @font-face {\n font-display: fallback;\n font-family: Roboto;\n font-weight: 600;\n src: url( format("woff2"), url( format("woff")\n }\n \n @font-face {\n font-display: fallback;\n font-family: Roboto;\n font-weight: 700;\n src: url( format("woff2"), url( format("woff")\n }\n \n #sib-container input:-ms-input-placeholder {\n text-align: left;\n font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;\n color: #c0ccda;\n }\n \n #sib-container input::placeholder {\n text-align: left;\n font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;\n color: #c0ccda;\n }\n \n #sib-container textarea::placeholder {\n text-align: left;\n font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;\n color: #c0ccda;\n }\n \n #sib-container a {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: #2BB2FC;\n }\n </style>\n <link rel="stylesheet" href="">\n <!-- END - We recommend to place the above code in head tag of your website html -->\n \n <!-- START - We recommend to place the below code where you want the form in your website html -->\n <div class="sib-form" style="text-align: center;\n background-color: transparent; ">\n <div id="sib-form-container" class="sib-form-container">\n <div id="error-message" class="sib-form-message-panel" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#661d1d; background-color:#ffeded; border-radius:3px; border-color:#ff4949;max-width:540px;">\n <div class="sib-form-message-panel__text sib-form-message-panel__text--center">\n <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="sib-icon sib-notification__icon">\n <path d="M256 40c118.621 0 216 96.075 216 216 0 119.291-96.61 216-216 216-119.244 0-216-96.562-216-216 0-119.203 96.602-216 216-216m0-32C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm-11.49 120h22.979c6.823 0 12.274 5.682 11.99 12.5l-7 168c-.268 6.428-5.556 11.5-11.99 11.5h-8.979c-6.433 0-11.722-5.073-11.99-11.5l-7-168c-.283-6.818 5.167-12.5 11.99-12.5zM256 340c-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28 28-12.536 28-28-12.536-28-28-28z" />\n </svg>\n <span class="sib-form-message-panel__inner-text">\n Deine Anmeldung konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.\n </span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div></div>\n <div id="success-message" class="sib-form-message-panel" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#085229; background-color:#e7faf0; border-radius:3px; border-color:#13ce66;max-width:540px;">\n <div class="sib-form-message-panel__text sib-form-message-panel__text--center">\n <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="sib-icon sib-notification__icon">\n <path d="M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 464c-118.664 0-216-96.055-216-216 0-118.663 96.055-216 216-216 118.664 0 216 96.055 216 216 0 118.663-96.055 216-216 216zm141.63-274.961L217.15 376.071c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.97-.068l-85.878-86.572c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.068-16.97l8.52-8.451c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l68.976 69.533 163.441-162.13c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l8.451 8.52c4.668 4.705 4.637 12.303-.068 16.97z" />\n </svg>\n <span class="sib-form-message-panel__inner-text">\n Deine Anmeldung war erfolgreich.\n </span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div></div>\n <div id="sib-container" class="sib-container--large sib-container--vertical" style="text-align:center; background-color:rgba(255,255,255,1); max-width:540px; border-radius:20px; border-width:0px; border-color:#C0CCD9; border-style:solid; direction:ltr">\n <form id="sib-form" method="POST" action="" data-type="subscription">\n <div style="padding: 8px 0;">\n <div class="sib-form-block" style="font-size:32px; text-align:left; font-weight:700; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#1c1c1f; background-color:transparent; text-align:left">\n <p>Newsletter</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style="padding: 8px 0;">\n <div class="sib-input sib-form-block">\n <div class="form__entry entry_block">\n <div class="form__label-row ">\n \n <div class="entry__field">\n <input class="input " maxlength="200" type="text" id="VORNAME" name="VORNAME" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Wie heißt du?" data-required="true" required />\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <label class="entry__error entry__error--primary" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#661d1d; background-color:#ffeded; border-radius:3px; border-color:#ff4949;">\n </label>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style="padding: 8px 0;">\n <div class="sib-input sib-form-block">\n <div class="form__entry entry_block">\n <div class="form__label-row ">\n \n <div class="entry__field">\n <input class="input " type="text" id="EMAIL" name="EMAIL" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Wie ist deine E-Mail Adresse?" data-required="true" required />\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <label class="entry__error entry__error--primary" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#661d1d; background-color:#ffeded; border-radius:3px; border-color:#ff4949;">\n </label>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style="padding: 8px 0;">\n <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LdTVIkpAAAAAPcCwz5LBzdMa9nx5trmxa4DRIsh" data-callback="invisibleCaptchaCallback" data-size="invisible" onclick="executeCaptcha"></div>\n </div>\n <div style="padding: 8px 0;">\n <div class="sib-form-block" style="text-align: left">\n <button class="sib-form-block__button sib-form-block__button-with-loader" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#fafafa; background-color:#4a708b; border-radius:20px; border-width:0px;" form="sib-form" type="submit">\n <svg class="icon clickable__icon progress-indicator__icon sib-hide-loader-icon" viewBox="0 0 512 512">\n <path d="M460.116 373.846l-20.823-12.022c-5.541-3.199-7.54-10.159-4.663-15.874 30.137-59.886 28.343-131.652-5.386-189.946-33.641-58.394-94.896-95.833-161.827-99.676C261.028 55.961 256 50.751 256 44.352V20.309c0-6.904 5.808-12.337 12.703-11.982 83.556 4.306 160.163 50.864 202.11 123.677 42.063 72.696 44.079 162.316 6.031 236.832-3.14 6.148-10.75 8.461-16.728 5.01z" />\n </svg>\n ANMELDEN\n </button>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <input type="text" name="email_address_check" value="" class="input--hidden">\n <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="de">\n </form>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!-- END - We recommend to place the above code where you want the form in your website html -->\n \n <!-- START - We recommend to place the below code in footer or bottom of your website html -->\n <script>\n window.REQUIRED_CODE_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Wählen Sie bitte einen Ländervorwahl aus.';\n window.LOCALE = 'de';\n window.EMAIL_INVALID_MESSAGE = window.SMS_INVALID_MESSAGE = "Die eingegebenen Informationen sind nicht gültig. Bitte überprüfe das Feldformat und versuche es erneut.";\n \n window.REQUIRED_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Dieses Feld darf nicht leer sein. ";\n \n window.GENERIC_INVALID_MESSAGE = "Die eingegebenen Informationen sind nicht gültig. Bitte überprüfe das Feldformat und versuche es erneut.";\n \n \n \n \n window.translation = {\n common: {\n selectedList: '{quantity} Liste ausgewählt',\n selectedLists: '{quantity} Listen ausgewählt'\n }\n };\n \n var AUTOHIDE = Boolean(0);\n </script>\n \n <script defer src=""></script>\n \n <script src=""></script>\n \n <!-- END - We recommend to place the above code in footer or bottom of your website html -->\n <!-- End Brevo Form --> """ ] |
<!-- Begin Brevo Form --> <!-- START - We recommend to place the below code in head tag of your website html --> <style> @font-face { font-display: block; font-family: Roboto; src: url( format("woff2"), url( format("woff") } @font-face { font-display: fallback; font-family: Roboto; font-weight: 600; src: url( format("woff2"), url( format("woff") } @font-face { font-display: fallback; font-family: Roboto; font-weight: 700; src: url( format("woff2"), url( format("woff") } #sib-container input:-ms-input-placeholder { text-align: left; font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif; color: #c0ccda; } #sib-container input::placeholder { text-align: left; font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif; color: #c0ccda; } #sib-container textarea::placeholder { text-align: left; font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif; color: #c0ccda; } #sib-container a { text-decoration: underline; color: #2BB2FC; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <!-- END - We recommend to place the above code in head tag of your website html --> <!-- START - We recommend to place the below code where you want the form in your website html --> <div class="sib-form" style="text-align: center; background-color: transparent; "> <div id="sib-form-container" class="sib-form-container"> <div id="error-message" class="sib-form-message-panel" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#661d1d; background-color:#ffeded; border-radius:3px; border-color:#ff4949;max-width:540px;"> <div class="sib-form-message-panel__text sib-form-message-panel__text--center"> <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="sib-icon sib-notification__icon"> <path d="M256 40c118.621 0 216 96.075 216 216 0 119.291-96.61 216-216 216-119.244 0-216-96.562-216-216 0-119.203 96.602-216 216-216m0-32C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm-11.49 120h22.979c6.823 0 12.274 5.682 11.99 12.5l-7 168c-.268 6.428-5.556 11.5-11.99 11.5h-8.979c-6.433 0-11.722-5.073-11.99-11.5l-7-168c-.283-6.818 5.167-12.5 11.99-12.5zM256 340c-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28 28-12.536 28-28-12.536-28-28-28z" /> </svg> <span class="sib-form-message-panel__inner-text"> Deine Anmeldung konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte versuche es erneut. </span> </div> </div> <div></div> <div id="success-message" class="sib-form-message-panel" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#085229; background-color:#e7faf0; border-radius:3px; border-color:#13ce66;max-width:540px;"> <div class="sib-form-message-panel__text sib-form-message-panel__text--center"> <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="sib-icon sib-notification__icon"> <path d="M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 464c-118.664 0-216-96.055-216-216 0-118.663 96.055-216 216-216 118.664 0 216 96.055 216 216 0 118.663-96.055 216-216 216zm141.63-274.961L217.15 376.071c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.97-.068l-85.878-86.572c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.068-16.97l8.52-8.451c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l68.976 69.533 163.441-162.13c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l8.451 8.52c4.668 4.705 4.637 12.303-.068 16.97z" /> </svg> <span class="sib-form-message-panel__inner-text"> Deine Anmeldung war erfolgreich. </span> </div> </div> <div></div> <div id="sib-container" class="sib-container--large sib-container--vertical" style="text-align:center; background-color:rgba(255,255,255,1); max-width:540px; border-radius:20px; border-width:0px; border-color:#C0CCD9; border-style:solid; direction:ltr"> <form id="sib-form" method="POST" action="" data-type="subscription"> <div style="padding: 8px 0;"> <div class="sib-form-block" style="font-size:32px; text-align:left; font-weight:700; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#1c1c1f; background-color:transparent; text-align:left"> <p>Newsletter</p> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 8px 0;"> <div class="sib-input sib-form-block"> <div class="form__entry entry_block"> <div class="form__label-row "> <div class="entry__field"> <input class="input " maxlength="200" type="text" id="VORNAME" name="VORNAME" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Wie heißt du?" data-required="true" required /> </div> </div> <label class="entry__error entry__error--primary" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#661d1d; background-color:#ffeded; border-radius:3px; border-color:#ff4949;"> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 8px 0;"> <div class="sib-input sib-form-block"> <div class="form__entry entry_block"> <div class="form__label-row "> <div class="entry__field"> <input class="input " type="text" id="EMAIL" name="EMAIL" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Wie ist deine E-Mail Adresse?" data-required="true" required /> </div> </div> <label class="entry__error entry__error--primary" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#661d1d; background-color:#ffeded; border-radius:3px; border-color:#ff4949;"> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 8px 0;"> <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LdTVIkpAAAAAPcCwz5LBzdMa9nx5trmxa4DRIsh" data-callback="invisibleCaptchaCallback" data-size="invisible" onclick="executeCaptcha"></div> </div> <div style="padding: 8px 0;"> <div class="sib-form-block" style="text-align: left"> <button class="sib-form-block__button sib-form-block__button-with-loader" style="font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; color:#fafafa; background-color:#4a708b; border-radius:20px; border-width:0px;" form="sib-form" type="submit"> <svg class="icon clickable__icon progress-indicator__icon sib-hide-loader-icon" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <path d="M460.116 373.846l-20.823-12.022c-5.541-3.199-7.54-10.159-4.663-15.874 30.137-59.886 28.343-131.652-5.386-189.946-33.641-58.394-94.896-95.833-161.827-99.676C261.028 55.961 256 50.751 256 44.352V20.309c0-6.904 5.808-12.337 12.703-11.982 83.556 4.306 160.163 50.864 202.11 123.677 42.063 72.696 44.079 162.316 6.031 236.832-3.14 6.148-10.75 8.461-16.728 5.01z" /> </svg> ANMELDEN </button> </div> </div> <input type="text" name="email_address_check" value="" class="input--hidden"> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="de"> </form> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END - We recommend to place the above code where you want the form in your website html --> <!-- START - We recommend to place the below code in footer or bottom of your website html --> <script> window.REQUIRED_CODE_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Wählen Sie bitte einen Ländervorwahl aus.'; window.LOCALE = 'de'; window.EMAIL_INVALID_MESSAGE = window.SMS_INVALID_MESSAGE = "Die eingegebenen Informationen sind nicht gültig. Bitte überprüfe das Feldformat und versuche es erneut."; window.REQUIRED_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Dieses Feld darf nicht leer sein. "; window.GENERIC_INVALID_MESSAGE = "Die eingegebenen Informationen sind nicht gültig. Bitte überprüfe das Feldformat und versuche es erneut."; window.translation = { common: { selectedList: '{quantity} Liste ausgewählt', selectedLists: '{quantity} Listen ausgewählt' } }; var AUTOHIDE = Boolean(0); </script> <script defer src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- END - We recommend to place the above code in footer or bottom of your website html --> <!-- End Brevo Form --> |
de-DE | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotlineHeadline | Service-Hotline |
de-DE | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotline | Unterstützung und Beratung unter: <a href="tel:+49413138558">04131 38558</a> Mo-Fr, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr |
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[ "%url%" => "/widgets/cms/6eca735e3efc4a63a769fadd790e19f7" ] |
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de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/widgets/cms/a954ab7e58604255ac06ee839a6ca9b1" ] |
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de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%year%" => "2024" "%shopname%" => "Ackermann - Leder" "%love%" => "<span class="icon icon-heart icon-xs"><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M16 29.104l-1.938-1.75c-6.875-6.25-11.375-10.313-11.375-15.375 0-4.125 3.188-7.313 7.313-7.313 2.313 0 4.563 1.125 6 2.813 1.438-1.688 3.688-2.813 6-2.813 4.125 0 7.313 3.188 7.313 7.313 0 5.063-4.5 9.188-11.375 15.438z"></path></svg></span>" "%href%" => "" "%title%" => "Made with love by Zenit Design" "%name%" => "Zenit Design" ] |
de-DE | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/widgets/cms/10b2f0c53e84463183c776aa15648094" ] |
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de-DE | messages | 1 | cookie.deny | Ablehnen |
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de-DE | messages | 1 | cookie.acceptAll | Alle Cookies akzeptieren |
de-DE | messages | 1 | netzp.notifications.placeholder_newsletter_email | |
de-DE | messages | 1 | netzp.notifications.subscribe | Anmelden |
de-DE | messages | 1 | netzp.notifications.msg_privacy_confirm | Sind Sie einverstanden mit unseren |
de-DE | messages | 1 | netzp.notifications.msg_privacy | Datenschutz-Bedingungen |
de-DE | messages | 1 | netzp.notifications.yes | Ja |
de-DE | messages | 1 | | Nein |
de-DE | messages | 1 | netzp.notifications.ok | OK |
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